4 Dennis Heideman

4 Dennis Heideman

Dennis, I believe, was from California. Dennis, called Ranger, was the driver of the second track I was assigned to, after the first hit a mine. (If my memory serves me, the first track I was on was driven by Harvey - last name might have been Willis. He drove with foot and hand extensions so he wouldn't be seriously hurt if we hit a mine. We all sat on top of the track with flak jackets on so we wouldn't be hurt either. It always spooked me when we went through tall grass / brush - I felt so exposed - any one could be hiding in that grass and jump up and shoot me dead before I could even react. When we hit the mine, all of us on the track were tossed in the air a bit but no one was really hurt - Harvey was the most shaken up - complained about ears and head. I don't recall seeing him much or maybe not at all after I was transferred to the other track.) Anyway, I kept in touch with Dennis for awhile after my discharge, but then lost touch until he joined the 25th Infantry Division Association some years later. After a letter or two, we lost touch again.

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